Being prepared
- Be prepared for cold, wet weather with warm clothes, outside shoes for the rain and mud, and warm bedding.
- If you are a beginning dancer, you’ll appreciate the introductory dance workshop the first night.
- If you are a beginning musician, you may want to bring all the instruments you’d like to play.
- If you can, arrive before dinner so you’ll have time to get oriented.
- Smile, relax, enjoy!
- warm clothes for outside and lounging
- outside shoes/mud boots/rain gear
- dance clothes and other fancy attire
- dance shoes to change into from outside shoes
- warm bedding (sleeping bag, pillow, sheets, etc.)
- towel, fragrance free toiletries, hair dryer, etc.
- flashlight (and extra batteries)
- water bottle
- prescription and other medications you need
- earplugs for easy sleeping
- musical instruments (maybe some of you don’t play yet), calling cards, song books, music tune books (the Portland Collections, Waltz Books, and Barnes ECD books are particularly handy)
- games, jigsaw puzzles, knitting,etc
- if using a kitchen, all utensils, dish soap etc.
- favorite teas or specialty food items
Optional Amenities
- shower footwear
- doormats and floor mats for your cabin
- over-the-door hooks to hang clothing
- power strip (with surge protection) for CPAP machine or phone chargers
- mug for the dining hall (bigger than what camp provides)
- camera (and maybe an extra USB thumb drive)
- night light or Christmas lights for your cabin
- binoculars for bird-watching
We have some campers who have severe chemical sensitivities, and become ill when inhaling certain ingredients that are in scented products. In order for them to participate, we ask you to use the fragrance-free shampoos, hand lotion and soap provided in the public bathrooms. Please refrain from using perfume, cologne, after-shave, scented deodorant and scented hand lotion. Air out dry-cleaned clothes; avoid scented laundry detergent and fabric softeners for camp clothes. More information is available here
If you bring your own products, be sure when you buy that the labels say that they are fragrance-free. Avoid products labeled unscented or natural, since they may still contain chemical fragrances. Thank you!